A running back for the Washington State University football team is in hot water after being arrested on the morning of Jan. 17, according to local sources. Jamal Morrow was pulled over and arrested on suspicion of drunk driving. He now faces DUI charges. He was scheduled to make his first appearance in court on Jan. 19, and it is unknown if he will face disciplinary action from his school or team as well.
According to the police report, Morrow was pulled over at approximately 12:30 a.m. the morning of Jan. 17 after being seen allegedly driving the wrong way down a one-way street. Police say they administered a Breathalyzer test, which returned an average reading of .188. In Washington, the legal limit for adults is .08, but because Morrow is under 21, even a .02 level would have justified a drunk driving charge under the law.
Police say Morrow was polite and cooperative throughout the arrest process. He was taken into custody, cited and then released. According to his teammates and community members, he is well liked and respected both on and off campus. If found guilty, he stands to face substantial consequences.
Morrow is entitled to the same presumption of innocence that protects all individuals facing DUI charges the state of Washington. A plea of not guilty automatically imposes upon the prosecution the burden of proving the formal accusations in court and beyond a reasonable doubt. In those circumstances where the evidence appears formidable, plea negotiations may yield a result that is preferable to the client. With so much at stake, reliance on a seasoned criminal defense attorney in responding to the allegations may be critical in achieving a satisfactory resolution.
Source: seattletimes.com, “WSU Cougars RB Jamal Morrow cited for driving under influence”, Stefanie Loh, Jan. 18, 2016