In the State of Washington, there are special courts dedicated to dealing with DUI (Driving Under the Influence) and domestic violence cases, which individuals may encounter in some circumstances. Not all cases go to these courts, but some do, and for some...
Domestic Violence
The difference between assault and domestic violence charges in Washington
The difference between assault and domestic violence charges in Washington The line between simple assault and domestic violence charges is not necessarily clear. The difference matters, because the same set of circumstances could lead to very different punishments,...
Unexpected consequences of domestic violence charges
Domestic violence is an attempt or threat to use physical force against another domestic resident. It is usually a misdemeanor but can result in a felony charge, depending on the specifics of your case. While some consequences of a domestic violence conviction are...
Will a restraining order go on my public record?
If someone serves you with a protection or restraining order in Washington state, you might wonder what the repercussions are, especially if the order can have a long-term impact on your future. Restraining orders go on your public record If the court issues a...
What qualifies as domestic violence in Washington?
In Washington state, many different crimes fall under the umbrella of domestic violence. Depending on the crime's severity and whether the individual has committed more than one crime of similar nature, it can constitute a misdemeanor or a felony. The former is less...
Is there a difference between domestic violence and assault?
Domestic violence is a broad term that refers to any number of behaviors that take place between partners, including physical, sexual, psychological and emotional abuse of various forms. There can be some overlap between a charge of domestic violence and assault in...
Is there a cure or rehab option for domestic abusers?
Washington State defines domestic abuse very broadly. Within the definition is the inclusion of inflicting physical harm through action or inflicting the fear of injury or harm to a family member or individual of the same household. The law requires law enforcement to...
Know your options when faced with domestic violence charges
Washington state takes domestic violence very seriously. Once someone files a domestic abuse complaint, police officers in some jurisdictions have the authority to make an arrest within four hours if they establish probable cause. Sometimes, they can even do this...
What to do if you are accused of domestic violence
Though domestic violence is nothing to take lightly, there are instances in which the accused maintain their innocence and feel blindsided by the charges filed. If you find yourself accused of domestic violence, follow these tips to minimize the damage that the...
What happens after a domestic violence arrest
If you have a strained relationship with a spouse, romantic partner or household member, you may experience frequent altercations with that person. Even if physical violence does not occur, he or she can potentially make a domestic violence accusation that could...