You know that facing criminal charges of any kind can have a significant negative impact on various areas of your life. When facing charges for drunk driving, there is much more than just steep fines and potential jail time at stake; your right to drive is at risk.The...
Expect more DUI arrests in Washington
Drunk driving arrests are down in Washington state. This may come as a surprise to you, especially if police recently arrested you for DUI. However, you must be one of the few because recent reports show state police are not arresting as many people for driving while...
What happens to my license after a DUI arrest and conviction?
Facing any type of criminal charge is both confusing and overwhelming, especially if you find yourself facing charges related to drunk driving. You know that drunk driving can bring serious penalties for Washington drivers convicted of this type of crime, including...
How can you tell if a drug is addictive?
Addiction is a generic term that medical professionals define as being dependent on something or habituated toward. Sometimes people use the word loosely to mean something good rather than in the negative sense as it's generally accepted. For instance, someone might...
Was your firearm purchase delayed?
Many Washington residents adamantly support Second Amendment rights to bear arms. Whether you're a hunter or target shooting enthusiast, or possess firearms for the purpose of self-protection and defense, you likely studied all applicable state and federal laws on...