Making mistakes is part of growing up. Unfortunately, when those mistakes involve alcohol the stakes can be too high Young people convicted of driving under the influence in the state of Washington face criminal charges, jail time and other penalties. But a conviction...
Drunk Driving
When is a DUI charge a felony?
There are many factors that affect the severity of a DUI charge. In Washington, most DUI charges are misdemeanors, but even first-time offenders face serious implications. A felony DUI can be devastating and affect many lives. Misdemeanor vs felony DUI State law says...
Can I refuse a breath test?
The sight of lights flashing in your rearview mirror can make anyone uneasy. Those nerves only increase when the police pull you over for suspected drunk driving. During such a tense moment, you might wonder if the law requires you to blow into a test. The rules, and...
Will I lose my license after a DUI arrest?
After an arrest for driving under the influence in the state of Washington, you may face criminal penalties. Additionally, the Department of Licensing (DOL) can restrict your driving privileges. The DOL will suspend your license after two separate scenarios - after a...
Open container prohibitions apply to to-go alcohol sales
Nowadays, some Washington restaurants serve pre-mixed cocktails to customers who cannot participate in in-person dining. While restaurants with liquor licenses may have legal permission to send you home with a boozy drink, you still cannot have an open container of...
Penalties for DUI in Washington
Law enforcement officers in Washington can arrest you for obvious impairment behind the wheel or blood alcohol content of 0.08% or higher. For a conviction, you can receive expensive fines, license suspension and other legal consequences. Review the possible penalties...
The rules for DUI are different for those under 21
Perhaps your son or daughter went to a friend's house to hang out. What you didn't know is that he or she had a beer or two while there. When your child left that location to come home, a police officer initiated a traffic stop. While talking to your underage driver,...
I was arrested for DUI! What do I do now?
First, do not panic. Just because a police officer arrested you on suspicion of drunk driving does not mean that you will face charges or end up with a conviction on your record. Before you talk to anyone or take any other action regarding your arrest, be sure to...
That breath test you were given might not be accurate
Were you pulled over and arrested on suspicion of drunk driving? Like law enforcement officials in most states, Washington police officers more than likely carry a portable breath testing (PBT) machine to help them determine whether your blood alcohol level was above...
Aggravated DUI charges should be taken seriously
A conviction for aggravated DUI can lead to the loss of driving privileges, serious fines and even jail time. Along with these severe penalties, an aggravated DUI offense can potentially damage your reputation and harm your career.In Washington, aggravating factors...